Welcome to the new Youth Angler Spotlight page! Each month OBF will be reaching out to a new youth angler to share their story. The youth is our future of fishing and we want to share their stories.
Our first spotlight angler is Abbi Shade, who recently took home 2nd Place at the TBF's High School Fishing event and will be moving onto Regionals in September.

Q&A with Abbi Shade
Abbi, thanks for taking the time to speak with us today. Can you share a little bit about yourself?
I am 16 years old and I fish in the Cincinnati Youth Bass Club. I am from Carlisle, Ohio. I have been fishing ever since I could hold a fishing rod. Last year was the first year I started fishing tournaments. I fished for a club that no longer exists and I qualified to fish the state tournament. I finished 17th place out of 30 something anglers. Since my club went away, Angela was nice enough to let me join the Cincinnati Youth Bass Club.
What advice would you have for any young anglers that are just now getting into fishing?
My advice for any young angler starting out would be that you should always use your resources. YouTube and adults are great ways to learn new things and figure out how to do things. There is always something new to learn. Also, everyone has their bad times. So just because you haven't been doing how you wanted, doesn't mean you should give up. Everything takes practice.
You talked earlier about fishing in Cincinnati Youth Bass Club, can you talk about how the club has helped you as an angler?
The Cincinnati Youth Bass Club has helped me as an angler a lot. There are so many people that support me if I win or even if I lose. I have also made a couple great friends on the team that help me out a lot with information and support.
That's great to hear. I think starting with a club early is a great way to make friends and really polish your skills in fishing
Out of all the lakes you fish here in Ohio, what's currently your favorite?
Currently my favorite place to fish would be my home lake, Caesars Creek. I fish it more than anything else.
What no love for Buckeye Lake? Don't worry, just a few more months and we'll be at pool!
There are a ton of different techniques out there, but is there one in particular you really enjoy doing?
This year my favorite technique would have to be a Texas rig. It's been my go too. My favorite lure would probably be a brush hog.
You mentioned earlier that sometimes you have bad days on the water and that things won't always go the way the angler would like. How do you personally handle a tough day on the water?
When you’re having a tough day on the water, you don't get frustrated and give up. Never give up or you defiantly won't do any better. Just be sure your lure is always in the water and you're always working it. If you’re not getting anything, keep changing either the color or the technique you’re using after so long with no hits.
What's something you like to look for when you are fishing an unfamiliar body of water?"
When I'm fishing unfamiliar waters, I look for some good cuts with a lot of wood or some rock banks.
The current field of professional anglers is really starting to expand. If there was only one angler you could fish with, who would it be and why?
If I could pick any professional angler to fish with right now, it would be Larry Nixon. He is a hero to many and an amazing fishermen. He is a very down to earth guy. He sat down and talked to me for a bit once and gave me some great pointers. He also helped me a lot with sponsors and I'm extremely thankful. Nixon would be my number 1 choice.
You've already accomplished a great goal this year by placing 2nd in the TBF High School event, what are your goals for the rest of the year?
My goal this year is to improve my skill from last year. I would love to win a few tournaments but what I'm most worried about is trying to get my limit every time and never blanking. Just working on improving myself and being consistent.
Abbi, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today. You are a bright young angler and are the type of anglers we love seeing in our clubs. It's great to hear how joining a local youth club has helped you. I hope it encourages other kids to use your story as an example of the great things that come out of being in a group like that. Fishing takes a lot of time, patience and of course support from others. Would you like to thank anyone that has helped support you along the way?
I would like to thank the Atlantic Coastal Tackle Company, Denali Rods, my parents, and my awesome fishing partner Kody Whitaker