Welcome to the new Youth Angler Spotlight page! Each month OBF will be reaching out to a new youth angler to share their story. The youth is our future of fishing and we want to share their stories.
This Month’s Youth Angler spotlight is on Cole Wessner. Cole is very active on social networks and has quite a following on Youtube. We took the time to ask Cole some questions and here’s what he had to say.

Q&A with Cole Wessner
Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today Cole. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m 18 years old, from Cincinnati, Ohio and started with the Cincinnati Youth Bass Club. I got into fishing at a really young age with my Father and slowly gained more and more interest in the sport.
That’s great to hear. We can’t stress how important it is to take a kid fishing and how important the youth is to our sport. You have a pretty nice following on Youtube right now with over 51K subscribers! Can you tell us a bit about how you got into broadcasting your videos and where we can follow you?
I first started making youtube videos to go home and watch myself fish, as time went on more and more people started watching me. I then started to make videos and upload them not only because I enjoyed doing it but because other people enjoyed watching them.
You can view it on youtube at (Bigbassmaster1)
And follow me here:
Instagram- bigbassmaster1tv
Facebook Page - Bigbassmaster1
Periscope - Bigbassmaster1
That’s really awesome Cole. You have some great videos and it’s really cool to see how much of a following you have gathered since you started.
If you could fish with one pro angler, who would it be and why?
I would like to fish with Greg Hackney, I think that the way he likes to fish is similar to mine and would love to learn how to improve my skills by learning from him.
What’s your favorite body of water to fish right now?
My favorite body of water right now would be Lake Chickamauga. The reason for this is because this is where I caught my biggest bass of my life (10.24lb)
Wow, that’s a pig! I can totally understand how that would be your favorite place to fish.
What’s your favorite type of fishing?
Power fishing and covering a lot of water. I also love to fish heavy cover with big tackle.
How do you handle a tough day on the water?
Once the day ends I like to think about actually went well and things that I learned. I feel that no matter how bad the day is you can always take something useful away from the trip.
What are some things you like to do in the summer to find active fish?
In the summer I like to get out early in the morning and fish top water. Once the sun gets up I generally like to move deep and fish for deeper bass. However sometimes in the summer shallow- heavy cover can also be one of my favorites too!
What are your goals for the rest of the year?
I would live to make a few more trips to some famous lakes. A goal I have had since the winter of 2015 was to get my Youtube to 74k Subscribers. Currently sitting at 51k
What advice would you have for any young anglers just now getting into fishing?
Learn to enjoy the tough times and understand that fishing isn't all about reeling them in. I enjoy the struggle of trying to figure it out more than when it’s really easy to get bit.
Is there anyone you would like to thank?
My Sponsors Biospawn , Mystery Tackle Box and Wedias Marine, Alone with everyone Else who I have worked with in the past.
Also All of the SAF and Cincinnati Youth High school events that I’ve fished. I definitely am going to miss them.